What to Say to a Coworker Who Has a Sick Family Member

Encouraging Words For A Friend With A Ill Family Fellow member (27 Encouraging Things To Say)

past Michelle Devani

There's a common saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed. If you can support your pal through a challenging situation, it shows you're more than a friend – you're family. Yous may non know what to say, and that'south okay. That'southward why we're here to help!

We compiled this article with 27 encouraging words for a friend with a sick family member. Depending on how shut you are with this person, the distance, and the measure of support yous can give, this article provides multiple alternatives for sending the best supportive message.


  • i 27 Encouraging Things To Say To Someone With A Sick Family unit Fellow member
    • 1.ane 1. "I just heard near your ill brother/sister. I'm and so sorry nearly their condition. I pray for their speedy recovery."
    • 1.2 two. "I can't imagine how yous must be feeling going to the hospital every mean solar day and taking intendance of your sister. I know information technology must be hard for you. Let me know if you lot need anything. I'm here to help."
    • 1.3 3. "This situation must be tough on you lot, but you have to keep reminding your brother/sis that everything will be okay. They're looking up to you."
    • one.4 4. "You must be going through a lot, Kate. I know a lot of things have happened, merely if you lot always need someone to talk to, I'thou correct here. Stay potent for Bob."
    • 1.5 5. "I'thousand hoping your brother/sis gets better in the nick of time. Y'all'll feel much ameliorate after everything. Stay positive!"
    • 1.6 6. "My prayers are with yous and your husband in this trying time. I pray that you get through this, and he recovers quickly."
    • one.7 vii. "Don't worry virtually things. She'll be back to her vibrant cocky with smiles all over her confront. I strongly believe it'll happen."
    • 1.viii viii. "It was so heartbreaking to hear that you and your family have been in the hospital for several days at present. I may not be in that location with you, but my support and dearest are there with you. Continue continuing strong; yous'll get through this."
    • 1.9 9. "I don't know what it's like being in your shoes, and I can't imagine how yous must feel right now. Only ane thing I want y'all to know is that I'm here for you in every manner possible. Experience gratuitous to achieve out to me."
    • 1.10 x. "The situation may seem bad, but I know your husband is a fighter. He doesn't give up easily, and he's going to become through this. Tomorrow will be better."
    • 1.11 11. "Nosotros've gone through so many challenges together, and this is another one. I'k sure we'll get through this too. Hang in there, pal!"
    • ane.12 12. "While we all expect for your mum to get better, your family should never lose sight of promise. Remember that everything volition go better, but nosotros accept to be patient for that day to come.
    • 1.thirteen 13. "Sorry to hear nigh your brother/sister's condition. I hope the unabridged family is coping well with the situation. I send my regards to all of them. Everything will be fine somewhen. Go along being strong."
    • 1.14 14. "Seeing a family member in a sick condition is never a good experience. Only keep your promise live because this won't terminal forever. You'll have your family unit good for you sooner than you expected.
    • 1.fifteen 15. "Your dad is simply like a father to me. I know how you must feel in this situation. I'yard beside you and your family throughout this storm, and nosotros'll fight this together."
    • 1.16 16. "I know your daughter/son's sickness is quite challenging for you lot. Just you accept to stay strong for them. They need you now more than ever, so don't forget to accept care of yourself."
    • 1.17 17. "Agree your head up high and keep grinning. That's how your mom will know what a brave person she raised. You'll get through this, I believe in you!"
    • i.18 18. "This situation is tough on anybody, only I know information technology's even tougher on yous. You have to be strong for the kids because they need yous now more than e'er. Don't lose hope."
    • 1.xix 19. "Your father is admired for his contribution to our community. Bear in listen that our prayers are with him, and nosotros hope for a speedy recovery as before long as possible."
    • 1.20 20. "I may non exist there right at present, merely I pray for a swift recovery for your family member. Things will exist better."
    • 1.21 21. "Your mom e'er taught us to exist strong in trying times. I'k sure that's what she'd want us to do for her now. I know things volition go amend."
    • 1.22 22. "I consider your daughter every bit a part of my family. She's a brave and resilient girl. This situation might exist tough, but nosotros'll all come out bigger and better every bit i large family."
    • 1.23 23. "I know seeing your father in the hospital was a tough blow for you and your family. But I can guarantee that y'all'll get through this. I'thousand here for you."
    • 1.24 24. "I know how shut you lot are to your sister. She was there for both you and me when we needed her the most. Both of you still have a long fashion to go. Don't give upward yet."
    • 1.25 25. "If you need me to bring some items to the hospital, or any other thing, my machine is fueled and ready to be used."
    • i.26 26. "I know y'all're feeling down considering of what happened, just I pray that you find the strength to prevail. Your family unit needs you."
    • ane.27 27. "I'm bringing you something to eat at the hospital and another supplies for your family unit. I'm non talking no for an reply."
  • ii FAQs
  • iii To Conclude

27 Encouraging Things To Say To Someone With A Sick Family Member

i. "I just heard about your sick blood brother/sister. I'm so lamentable virtually their condition. I pray for their speedy recovery."

If you're not incredibly close to a friend, it'due south even so vital to ship a supportive bulletin to help the person get through the state of affairs. They would be going through a lot and would need all the back up they can get. Mention how you lot're hoping for the best, and waiting for everything to get better for the family unit.

2. "I tin't imagine how you must exist feeling going to the hospital every 24-hour interval and taking care of your sister. I know it must exist hard for you. Let me know if yous demand anything. I'k here to help."

I can't imagine how you must be feeling going to the hospital every day and taking care of your sister. I know it must be hard for you. Let me know if you need anything. I'm here to help.

It's crucial to offering help when someone is going through something difficult. Apart from giving supportive statements, make them feel they can count on you lot for anything.

3. "This situation must be tough on y'all, but you take to keep reminding your brother/sis that everything will be okay. They're looking up to you."

While paying attention to how this person might be coping, information technology's essential to consider the sick family member as well. They'll also demand all the emotional support they can get to remain positive. Your words should assist your friend stay conscious of the personal needs of their family member.

4. "You must be going through a lot, Kate. I know a lot of things have happened, but if you e'er need someone to talk to, I'm right hither. Stay stiff for Bob."

Your bulletin to your pal's sick family member must cover most of the areas you know they're facing. One vital attribute is their mental wellness. If you run across the state of affairs is traumatic for them, then aim to condolement them and their family.

five. "I'grand hoping your brother/sister gets better in the nick of time. You'll experience much better afterward everything. Stay positive!"

Almost messages for a ill family unit member sound sad, simply y'all tin can make your message cheery. If you stay optimistic, your message can put your friend in a pleasant mood, instead of thinking of how bad the circumstance may seem. Focus more on how the situation will be for the family after the recovery.

6. "My prayers are with you and your husband in this trying time. I pray that you become through this, and he recovers speedily."

Many people rely on their spirituality when faced with difficult situations like having a sick family unit member. If your friend needs a sense of spiritual support, it volition help if your message conveyed that. Let them know that you lot're supporting them and their family in the all-time way you can.

vii. "Don't worry virtually things. She'll be back to her vibrant cocky with smiles all over her face. I strongly believe it'll happen."

don't worry about things

Reassurance is an fantabulous thing for someone going through something hard. Telling them how positive y'all experience virtually the state of affairs irresolute is more support for their family than you can imagine. Your statements volition take their minds off how sick their loved one is, and requite them hope for a ameliorate tomorrow.

viii. "It was so heartbreaking to hear that you and your family have been in the hospital for several days now. I may not be there with you lot, merely my support and love are there with yous. Go on standing strong; you'll get through this."

The distance tin be an issue if you accept a friend that needs your support. Nonetheless, you can give their family unit some supportive statements from thousands of miles away.

9. "I don't know what information technology's like being in your shoes, and I can't imagine how you must experience right at present. Only 1 thing I want you to know is that I'g hither for you in every way possible. Feel free to reach out to me."

If you don't know the right words to say to a friend with a ill family member, you tin exist honest about that. The essential thing is that yous communicate your support to their family with the words you use in your message.

10. "The situation may seem bad, merely I know your married man is a fighter. He doesn't give up easily, and he's going to get through this. Tomorrow volition be better."

A supportive bulletin goes across recognizing how bad the state of affairs is. It gives a sense of hope for what may come tomorrow. To give your support to your friend and their family unit, talk most how brilliant the future volition be. This should exist irrespective of how ill their loved one is.

11. "We've gone through and so many challenges together, and this is another 1. I'm certain we'll get through this besides. Hang in there, pal!"

There are many means to requite someone apprehension for a better tomorrow. You lot can refer to a recent claiming that they conquered or a famous proverb that will comfort them. Cull whatever you know they'll be able to relate to currently.

12. "While we all wait for your mum to get better, your family should never lose sight of promise. Think that everything will go ameliorate, but we have to exist patient for that twenty-four hour period to come.

Hope is something to pass beyond, especially when you know a person is in a hard state of affairs. When someone has a sick family member, information technology'south easy for them to lose sight of a ameliorate tomorrow; but you tin remind them of that.

13. "Sorry to hear about your brother/sister's condition. I hope the entire family unit is coping well with the situation. I ship my regards to all of them. Everything volition exist fine eventually. Keep being stiff."

If yous're close to your friend's entire family, information technology's crucial to include them in your message of back up. Due to your intimate relationship with them, their wellbeing is also a priority.

14. "Seeing a family unit member in a sick status is never a good experience. But keep your hope live because this won't terminal forever. Yous'll have your family healthy sooner than you expected.

Supporting someone in a tough situation tin can be challenging, especially when you have to remain positive. Reminding your friend and their family that this is only a phase volition keep them hopeful for a modify.

15. "Your dad is only similar a father to me. I know how you lot must experience in this situation. I'm beside you and your family throughout this storm, and we'll fight this together."

your dad is just like a father to me. I know how you must feel in this situation

If the sick family unit member is your friend's parent, it will aid to send some supportive letters. Make them feel less alone, with hopes that everything will turn around. Help them feel comforted that you're standing with them through the storm.

16. "I know your daughter/son's sickness is quite challenging for yous. Simply you have to stay stiff for them. They demand you now more than ever, then don't forget to take care of yourself."

People can get so overwhelmed when a family member is sick, to the extent they stop catering to their needs. If this is the situation, or perhaps, y'all feel it might happen, your supportive statements will get a long way to encourage the family unit.

17. "Hold your head upwardly loftier and keep smiling. That's how your mom will know what a brave person she raised. Yous'll become through this, I believe in you!"

A child's happiness can go a long style to make their sick parent recover quickly. If your friend is in a terrible mood because of their parent's sickness, you should encourage them to exist in a improve mood for the wellbeing of their mom/dad.

eighteen. "This situation is tough on everyone, simply I know it's even tougher on you. You lot take to exist strong for the kids because they need you now more than than ever. Don't lose hope."

Depression hits at a person'south all-time low. For about people, seeing a family fellow member sick could sink them to their lowest point. You need to be supportive of such a person and their family, especially if they have others looking up to them.

19. "Your begetter is admired for his contribution to our community. Bear in listen that our prayers are with him, and we hope for a speedy recovery every bit soon equally possible."

If the ill person is notable to a large group of people, you can send in their support besides. The more than support your friend gets from people, the more than promise they'll have in the long run.

20. "I may not exist there right now, but I pray for a swift recovery for your family unit member. Things volition exist amend."

Suppose you're not shut to the family unit member that is sick, merely you want to leave a supportive message, keep it short and straightforward. Don't forget to utilise supportive statements that will elevator the spirit of the family and assistance them know that they're not alone.

21. "Your mom always taught the states to be strong in trying times. I'm sure that'due south what she'd desire us to practice for her now. I know things will get better."

your mom always taught us to be strong in trying times

If your pal is going through a tough time with their ill family unit member, you lot tin remind them of the strength that private showed before the electric current health challenge. This message will communicate hope and give them reasons not to give up.

22. "I consider your girl as a part of my family unit. She's a brave and resilient girl. This situation might be tough, merely we'll all come up out bigger and meliorate as one big family."

If you share a bond with a family unit member that's currently sick, sharing your personal feelings will assistance encourage your friend. Allow them know how the state of affairs also affects yous, and end the bulletin with more encouraging words.

23. "I know seeing your father in the hospital was a tough accident for you and your family. But I tin can guarantee that you'll get through this. I'grand here for yous."

When you want to bear witness support to a friend, you shouldn't neglect or downplay the pain they're feeling at that moment. Showing that yous understand their hurt will make them more than willing to receive back up from you lot.

24. "I know how shut you are to your sister. She was there for both you lot and me when we needed her the most. Both of you lot still have a long way to get. Don't give up yet."

Acknowledging how much your friend's sick family unit member ways to you is another fashion to be supportive in such a situation. Despite being ill, remind your friend of the impact they made, and what to expect forward to in the future.

25. "If you need me to bring some items to the hospital, or any other matter, my car is fueled and ready to exist used."

You don't necessarily need to talk about the sickness of your pal's family member. If your pal is struggling to cope with the state of affairs, being casual in your message tin be the breath of fresh air they demand.

26. "I know you're feeling down considering of what happened, just I pray that you observe the forcefulness to prevail. Your family needs you."

i know you're feeling down because of what happened, but I pray that you find the strength to prevail

If your pal is feeling downwards because of the current circumstance, information technology will limit the concrete support they can requite to their family member. Therefore, your words should exist encouraging enough to give your friend the mental strength to enable them to carry out some vital physical activities.

27. "I'm bringing you something to consume at the hospital and some other supplies for your family unit. I'm not talking no for an respond."

Your friend might reject your support, merely if you're hesitant, it can go a long style to show that y'all care for them and their family unit.


What to write to someone who has a sick family unit member?

"I'm deplorable to hear about your mom/dad in the infirmary. If you e'er demand anything, I'm a phone call away. Keep existence strong for you and your siblings; I know you'll get through this. This might be a setback, but the storm will only terminal for a while."

How do y'all wish someone's family unit well?

"My prayers are with yous and your loved one in this situation. I can't imagine how everyone must feel, merely I'm certain you'll become through this. Continue your head high and keep smiling because eventually, everything volition be fine."

What to say to a friend who is seriously ill?

"My love and support are with you. Y'all're stronger than you recall, and I desire you lot to know that. You'll get through this in the nick of time considering we're all here for you, and continually thinking of you. Go well soon!

What are some comforting words?

Some comforting words for someone in need include, "You're doing not bad. Y'all'll get through this. Stay positive! I'm here for you! Everything will be alright. Keep fighting and keep grin! My prayers are with you. I'thou a phone call away if you need anything."

How do you lot comfort a friend with words?

Some encouraging words for a friend include, "Our prayers are with yous and your family. Yous'll feel ameliorate when all this is over. For now, simply hang in in that location while we wait for your mom/dad to recover."

To Conclude

Did this article on encouraging words for a friend with a sick family member help in any fashion? Call up that your support goes beyond merely words. If in that location'due south anything you tin do to physically help out, make sure you're there for your friend at this time. Leave a comment below and share this article if you liked it.

Michelle Devani

My name is Michelle Devani, and I've been helping people with their relationships since 2003. In 2017 I decided it was well-nigh time I started a web log on the topic, and since then more than than 2 million people worldwide have read my relationship advice. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think.


Source: https://lovedevani.com/encouraging-words-for-a-friend-with-a-sick-family-member

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